Friday, February 18, 2011


I am beyond excited! I just recently was able to get in touch with one of my cousins. Not sure he understands just how important he has always been to me, but I hope to change that. Growing up, family was always around me. Even though some of my family lived far away, we were still connected. After all, we are family.

During our brief conversation we were able to chat about our Grandfather. He was a man that worked hard on the coal fields of Kentucky and in the Steel Mill for many years. He taught his family about love, support and hard work. I have missed that chance of talking about my younger years with someone who experienced it too. It can be the simple memories that spark feelings of familiarity and comfort that only your family can bring to light. I grew up in an area where churches most definitely out numbered anything else and the closest thing to fast food was the pizza place or Dairy Queen. To say it was a quiet place might be an understatement, and I loved it! Talking with my cousin this week about our Grandfather, Pa as we called him, made me think about how much I loved Sundays when I was a kid. Every Sunday we got up and made our way to Russell First Christian Church for Sunday School and Sunday morning worship. As soon as church was out, our first stop was the local grocery store, Pick Pack at one of the major intersections in town marked by a four-way stop sign. Once the shopping was done it was off to Pa's house for a visit. Talking with my cousin took me right back to his house. I could see the walkway up to his blue ranch-style home and even the front screen door. I could see myself walking in and seeing him sitting in his recliner with both his tv's playing. Its amazing how one small conversation could bring back the memories of drinking whole milk and eating ginger snap cookies, which were always laid out on a Bounty paper towel, the smell of his coffee brewing and his fresh coat of aftershave still lingering in the air. And it was a treat when my aunts, uncles and cousins would be there too. It always felt great to be surrounded by such a loving family.

If ya go back to that same quiet town I grew up in, you'd see a lot of changes. My church I loved so much has a new name and different senior minister. That grocery store we frequented so often has seen a move and a few name changes. That four-way stop sign has been replaced by a traffic light. And that blue ranch-style home has different residents and a new back porch. But, my memories are the same for me forever. And even though my family has spread out and moved, I still feel that connection with them. I love them and miss them all dearly! It really makes me realize how much my kids are missing out on that connection with their family. If you are lucky enough to be forging memories of positive family encounters with extended family and your children, then stop to treasure that comfort of being able to do so. As we grow up, it is that time with our family that helps to mold us and influence us throughout life. Family will annoy you, push your buttons, even pick fights with you. BUT, they are a part of you and love and support you and share lifelong memories that no one else but them can re-live with you!

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